What is a backend development?
The backend development is beside the frontend development, the other part of a programming. Every app has the User Interface (all the graphics, layout, etc.) and all the logic which proceeds saving data, authorizations, etc.
Easily said:
Backend development is an implementation of the services which supports all behind the scenes activities of an app.
Moreover, it is worth to mention that all those activities focus on:
- Databases,
- API,
- Servers,
- And all the logic which describes not visible part of activities.
What does a backend web developer do?
A backend web developer by writing a proper code is responsible for maintaining, improving and implementing solutions which interacts with databases, APIs and the server.
Moreover, those kind of developers can have duties like:
- creating libraries,
- working on business processes,
- cooperating with frontend developers,
- participating on a company meetings,
- maintaining legacy application,
- resolving bugs,
- and also improving data architecture.
Above duties depend of the role in a company and specific tech branch.
Roadmap for becoming a backend web developer
Below is presented the short but very helpful roadmap for newbies. Every beginner should:
- Familiarize with basic algorithms and data structures.
- Decide which programming language will be used and master it by doing projects. The choice can be made by selecting one from: JavaScript, python, ruby, php, java, c++.
- Learn the basics of databases. Generally databases are divided into relational and non-relational. At the beginning, choose a concrete one and master it. The most popular Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
- Learn framework. Depending of a language which is used, choose a framework which will make work more efficient. For example, if you use python, you can master Django, for Ruby, Ruby on Rails, etc.
- Master deployment of a product, to show the world your applications. It can be implemented at the beginning with AWS or heroku,
- Make more and more projects.
Backend development is an entire process of creating the service which is responsible for maintaining all behind the scenes functionalities of an app.
Backend web developer has many duties, which depends of a role in the company and specific of that workplace.
Backend development requires constant learning, but it is important to start with one technology for each service.