Web3 vs Web2 — what are the differences?
These topic arouses emotions, practically every time when web3 developer or crypto investor tries to convince other people that decentralization is the future.
In my humble opinion, it should not be treated like a big battle. Both of technologies are impactful.
— Intro,
— Web2,
— differences between Web2 and Web3,
— Conclusion.
This term has the very beginnings from the time, when first versions of social media platforms were developed. Do not be mislead, it is not literally the term for describing Facebook or Twitter, it is something more.
To determine what Web2 exactly is, it is worth of reminding the first web projects which were described web1. Web1 is the Internet of static websites, which allows only reading content, without any interactions like commenting, sharing, etc.
Following above statement, it can be easily deduced, that Web2 is the set of Internet platforms which allows user interactions, for example by social media. Content is practically given to communities and is dynamic, user interface is focused on the influence of social medias.
Differences between Web2 and Web3
Web3 is hyped, to not hear or read about it, is literally impossible, unless the person is deaf, blind or lives without connection to the Internet… … but why it is so valuable for communities?
The main advantage of web3 over web2 is decentralization. It is not the secret that web3 uses storing ledger called blockchain. It allows total independence from big institutions, which owns the most famous and scaled companies, like Amazon, Meta or Twitter.
Web2 can be under censorship anytime when the owner wants. It is the sad true of centralized platforms. Moreover, reaches of concrete creators can be reduced, when the content is not kindly received by the headquarters of big tech.
Web3 with fully decentralized, it skips above problem and is forcing of building decentralized platforms called dApps. Throughout dapp, user is authenticated with crypto wallet. It is super safe, because of the construction of credentials in such a system.
In centralized platforms, it is much easier to hack database and steal some sensitive data. In web3 it is practically impossible, unless user will share his private key to the wallet which is connected with dapp.
Moreover, keys to wallet are just long string, not like some clear data, as name, last name, etc. Every user is recognized by public key, or even avatar, which is usually an NFT. It makes services more anonymous, but also secure.
Another huge advantage of web3 which was lacking in Web2 tech, is ability of real owning of digital assets. Previously it was very hard to determine that some item in game is worth of real money and belongs to somebody, if it was made somehow, it was not tempting.
Web3 introduces NFTs, decentralized proofs of ownership, which are bought, created in crypto. As crypto is very demanded, items can be also more attractive.
However, web2 has advantages which were not implemented in decentralized world. For example, data access is faster and cheaper. Storing every information on blockchain is inefficient. Moreover, it is very expensive.
Crypto payments are limited, it is not possible to proceed such a big amount of transfers as visa or other standard financial system solutions. Fees are also at a very high level, what has an expensive impact on moving around dapp with wallet, and creating, transferring assets.
Web2 is also recognized as more user friendly, imagine that some older man is trying to register in some kind of platform. Using email and password is intuitive and very simple. Understanding concept of wallets and decentralization is more difficult.
As speaking about user friendliness, in Web2 platforms, forgetting password causes no such a big problems like forgetting private key. Forgotten password can be regenerated in email. Losing private keys, causes all assets lost in concrete wallet.
Web3 and Web2 revolutionaries world as we know, by making it simultaneously better and worse place for living. It can provide so much value, like remote working, etc. However, this material is not about that.
Focusing only on web3 and be blind for web2 can be not the most optimal solution. The same situation is with opposite case. Only implementing the best parts of each technology, allows to make fully functional and modern dapps.
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